Allow People Around You To Help

May 04, 2023

 There is no “I” in the word team.

Team, in this sense, refers to the collective effort of the people who come together for a particular project or task. One of the best things about an ideal team is to be surrounded by people around you who are willing to help. They’ll lend a helping hand and allow you to grow at the same time. 

A needed reminder for managers who believe that they can handle everything on their own. Since managers might have a lot on their plate, they might need assistance with some tasks. Sometimes though, managers don't lean on their team because of fear they will be judged as incompetent.  

Let’s discuss why it is important for you to seek help when someone is offering it.

Why Should You Take Assistance From Others? 

Most people might not want to take help from others even if they’re offering it because they don’t want to impose work on others. On the other hand, some might feel that doing all the work themselves will help them climb the corporate ladder quickly. However, that is not the case.

There is a famous African proverb “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Going on a long journey means that you need to have people by your side that will allow you to succeed.

No matter who you are, you will need someone by your side along the way. 

Why Do Some People Help Everyone, But Won’t Accept When Someone Offers It?

We might see people around us in an office setting who are willing to help but won’t accept it. 

They’ll consider it their role to help others while ignoring their own needs. Such people are often struggling due to excessive work but would continue to deny offers of assistance.

Is that you?

It might be because they believe it would be incongruent with the image they want to portray or the person they want to become. Some just assume that taking help might mean they owe the other person a favor. 

This is not necessarily true.

Taking Assistance from Others - The Bottom-Line

Allowing others to help is necessary for your growth and advancement.

Though you might not like asking for help, you shouldn’t refuse if someone is willing to give you a helping hand. Some people simply want to return the favor of help you offered them in the past. 

Others find purpose in helping someone in need.

Either way, there is nothing wrong with taking help from someone willing to help.

In fact, everything is right about doing so.

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