Honor the Legacy of Harder Times

Jun 08, 2023

Organizations may experience changes in their workforce time after time. Some people might get promoted to the manager position, while others might have moved on for better opportunities. Either way, there would be a few hurdles or challenges that everyone would remember. 

With time, there will be new people that will come on board. Therefore, they wouldn't be part of previous experiences that managers or their teams had. Nevertheless, you should honor the legacy of more challenging times so new people can become engaged in it. 

Why Remembering Past Efforts and Hurdles is Vital?

Recollecting and honoring the team's efforts for previous challenges will help build a better culture. People who played a significant role in getting the team through those tough times will feel appreciated and valued. As a result, it can boost team member loyalty toward the company. 

Appreciation can play a vital role in increasing overall team member engagement and can boost productivity. Most companies and managers don't pay much attention to remembering or appreciating the team members for their efforts during tough times. 

According to a Gallup survey, one in three team members was praised and recognized for their good work in the last 7 days. If there is no recognition or praise for previous efforts, it will increase the overall labor turnover.

How Honoring the Legacy Of Harder Times Can Help New Team Members Connect? 

New people will come on board as your team expands or old team members leave. These people wouldn't have an idea about the previous hurdles, challenges, or issues that your team had faced. By remembering previous achievements and tough times, you can ensure they have a fair share of knowledge about it. 

It will also motivate the new team members to work with the same dedication and commitment. New team members would feel that working and giving their best through tough times and challenges will also result in appreciation for them.

How Can You Remember Previous Achievements? 

There are different ways to honor and remember the efforts of people who have helped get the company through tough times. Managers can use the following ways to honor and respect the significant hurdles their organization has overcome. 

  • Awards - Awards and certificates might seem minimal, but they can have a significant impact. Managers can recognize and appreciate the efforts of their team members in front of everyone. 
  • Hosting a Lunch - To remember a particular event or accomplishment that your company made, you can have lunch or a small gathering. The purpose of the gathering would be to cherish and celebrate a previous achievement. 

These are a couple of common ways you can use to honor past accomplishments. However, you can come up with other ways according to your creativity. 

Remembering the Past Efforts 

Appreciating and remembering past achievements can be a morale booster and beneficial for both old and new team members. The new ones can be a part of the challenging times they missed, while the old ones can feel recognized for their role.

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