Hope Is Not A Winning Strategy

Jun 09, 2024

Although it is always a positive thing to be hopeful and have a positive mindset where you are hopeful that everything will turn out alright, you should not hedge all your bets on this thought process.

You should not depend on hope to bring your results; instead, make sure to work for them. Hope is known to be the driving force to motivate you to do your best, but it certainly cannot help you come up with a sufficient plan.

In other words, hope is the cog that drives the machine, but just like a cog, it is not the only part of the machinery dependent on that machine's operation, but just a small part of it.

Let us look at this in a bit more detail, understanding some essential qualities that managers should possess, other than a hopeful mindset, to excel in the position.

What Qualities Should a Middle Manager Possess?

  • Honesty

Being truthful is a basic quality, but it should be present within a manager due to the nature of what they do.

One of the major responsibilities of a manager is to lead their floor and be able to resolve any conflicts they might be having. Due to this, these leaders need to be someone the employees can believe in, and the best way to do that is, to be honest.

Employees will follow managers with confidence if they know that the manager cannot lie to them and misdirect them by not being honest.

Furthermore, being honest is a highly sought-after quality in the corporate world, which is why great managers do not put their employees in the dark and are always transparent with them.

  • Decisiveness

Besides honesty, they should also be decisive with any action they wish to take. Whether managing multiple departments, or a floor of employees, people only follow leaders who are confident in their decisions and don't take too much time to make the right choice. 

Furthermore, businesses look for managers who are decisive in their actions because it makes the workflow more efficient. This is because these managers understand the importance of making quick decisions and are not afraid to act swiftly and confidently. 

Being able to make important decisions quickly and standing their ground in support of them are some notable traits that every manager looks for.


Hope is something you should have because it helps keep a positive outlook on a situation, which is very important when many employees depend on you.

However, it is important to understand that an effective game plan backs up a hopeful thought process. 

Furthermore, keeping a proper strategy in place is just as important because it makes the difference between being confident and hoping for the best and solely hoping that a naïve plan would produce the best results.

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