If You’re Not Growing, You’re Dying

Apr 07, 2024

Growth is a constant concept from the moment you are born and will stay with you until you draw your last breath.

In pursuing greater ambition, many people tend to stop focusing on themselves, often sacrificing their personal growth to climb up the corporate ladder, which can lead to severe repercussions.

As a manager, you would be subject to intense work pressure. It may be from your higher-ups in concerns to a possible policy arrangement, in the form of impending projects, or all of the above.

Whatever the reason may be, you might find yourself under intense pressure, and an effective way to avoid this and develop yourself is to focus on self-growth.

Let us discuss this in more detail, highlighting ways to focus on self-growth and live a more enriched and rewarding life.

How You Can Focus on Your Personal Growth

  • Prioritize Learning

One of the best ways to grow is to learn, which is why you need to always prioritize learning, not bury yourself in work to the extent that you forget to learn new skills and diversify your overall skillset.

Furthermore, many accomplishment professionals have strongly suggested educating yourself as a great way to boost your personal growth.

Not only is learning new skills better for helping you improve your career, but it also helps you expand your mental capacity, making it healthy for your brain as well.

Due to this, it is important to open yourself to learning opportunities, and you might find your passion through learning as well. 

  • Become Goal-oriented

Setting goals for yourself is great if you want to grow as an individual and find it difficult to maintain that mindset. It is important to determine what you want to achieve in life, setting practical life goals you want to accomplish one day.

It might be work-related, or a personal endeavor; whatever goals you wish to achieve, setting them for yourself will provide you with a greater purpose, allowing you to aim for something and motivating you as well.

  • Embrace Change

Many people consider change to be a daunting thought. However, it is not something you should run away from, but welcome instead.

Change is crucial to personal growth, and if you experience positive change in yourself, you should explore it further and embrace it.


The true beauty of focusing on self-growth is that once you start focusing on it, you will notice that every other aspect of your life has also started to go through a metamorphosis.

Due to this, it is important to focus on your personal growth, and following even one of the ways mentioned above can help you perform better as a middle manager and as an individual.

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