Leaders Use Challenges to Build Teams

Jun 04, 2023

As a manager, you come across a wide range of challenges on a day-to-day basis. However, you can use these challenges as opportunities to build case studies. You can use these case studies to learn from your previous experiences. 

Most importantly, these challenges allow you to build teams. You can leverage the opportunities to find out who were the people that helped you deal with a particular challenge. Furthermore, you'll get a better idea of what skills others have that helped them deal with the challenges. 

What are the Challenges That Managers Often Face?

While the challenges managers face can vary depending on their situation, a few remain constant. It is difficult for first-time managers just transitioning to a new role. 

According to the Center of Creative Leadership, 20% of new managers must perform more adequately according to their subordinates. Here are some of the challenges that managers might face. 

Managing the Workload

It is difficult for managers to assign tasks, especially when they have a high workload. They would have to ensure that they divide the work accordingly so that no one is overburdened. Furthermore, they would also have to assess which team member can handle a task better than others. 

Holding People Responsible 

Managers also need to ensure that the people responsible for the task complete it on time to avoid any issues. They would constantly monitor and get updates from others regarding their work status. 

Training and Developing Skills 

Another thing that managers have to work on is ensuring that they provide relevant training to their subordinates. On-going training programs are also a part of the managers' responsibilities. 

Building Trust and Communicating

Lastly, managers must communicate openly with their subordinates to build a trusting relationship. Trust is the most critical thing for managers today since it allows them to develop and foster a positive environment. 

How Can Managers Use These Challenges to Build Teams?

Team building is something managers often struggle with. But, these challenges present them with the opportunity to connect and build a strong team. For instance, managing the workload will let you know which team members can handle a particular task better. 

Managers can also know which team member has the relevant skills to help them deal with a particular situation. Furthermore, managers can know which team members need assistance developing particular skills. 

Additionally, managers can also communicate with others so they can share their problems with them openly. This way, managers would know about the issues they are facing and can help in resolving them. It will also boost the overall morale of the workforce. 

Embracing Challenges for Team Building Opportunities

Challenges are opportunities to learn and find out where you can improve. You can use it as a learning experience to help you build your team. 

While it might be difficult for new managers moving into the role to adapt and deal with certain challenges, it presents them with the opportunity to learn and grow. So, staying calm and focusing on the bigger picture is important.

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