Listen Much More Than You Speak

Sep 10, 2023

The Saying Goes, “God Gave Us Two Ears and One Mouth”

The saying is a basic concept, but it carries a lot of weight in the world of management. It essentially suggests that you should spend more time listening than talking. 

You are in a unique position as a manager. You are the link between your subordinates and superiors; thus, you must be aware of what is happening around you. Hence, this is when active listening comes into play. 

You have a more excellent knowledge of our subordinates' needs, concerns, and ideas when you listen to them. This information is crucial for making choices and steering your team on the proper path.

Furthermore, when you listen to your subordinates, you demonstrate that you appreciate their thoughts. It can raise morale and motivation, leading to improved performance. 

So, the next time you're at a meeting or conversing with someone, try to be more aware of how much you're talking and how much you're listening. Trust me, your subordinates will appreciate it.

The goal is not to be Heard but to be Understood

Often individuals get caught up in trying to make their point or be heard, but what truly counts is if you're understood. That is especially crucial for a manager.

When you're in charge of a group, it's critical that everyone be on the same page and working toward the same objective. And the only way to ensure that occurs is for everyone to communicate appropriately. So, how do you do it?

First and foremost, you must pay attention. When you listen to your subordinates, you have a more profound knowledge of their viewpoints and wants. And once you grasp it, you'll be more ready to communicate with them.

Another important aspect is to communicate clearly and concisely. The use of jargon or technical terminology your subordinates may need help grasping is discouraged. Consider breaking it into smaller, more achievable components when describing anything hard.

Finally, be bold and question. If you need clarification on what someone is saying, ask to explain. It is preferable to double-check and ensure that you are on the same page rather than making assumptions and perhaps misunderstanding.

How can you Improve Your Chances of Being Understood?

It all comes down to perception. Understand others' points of view and what is essential to them to be understood. To effectively communicate as a manager, you must first comprehend your employees' histories and opinions. 

Learn about their interests, experiences, and motivators to tailor your conversation. Address their worries and provide relevant examples. Understanding your subordinates increases your chances of being understood. 

To summarize, know who you're talking to and their suggestions for improved communication and leadership.

As a manager, the key to successful communication is to listen twice as much as you speak and understand before you're understood. Put those ears to work and make sure you're in the know about your team. After all, the goal isn't just to be heard; it's to be truly understood. And that, my friends, is the mark of a great leader.

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