Look for Opportunities That Are Uncomfortable

Mar 10, 2024

As a manager, you will be coming across a list of challenges and obstacles due to the people you have to deal with daily.

Although managers have highly diverse skill sets, there would still be different opportunities you may not be comfortable pursuing.

However, managers should not shy away from such chances and actively pursue them because of the growth they can lead to.

Let us discuss this in greater detail, highlighting why exploring opportunities that can make you uncomfortable can lead to your growth and why you should encourage your employees to do so.

Why Opportunities That Make You Uncomfortable Can Lead to Success

Failure is not a bad thing

Usually, you feel uncomfortable because you are faced with a situation that might relate to a negative experience for you. When dealing with being uncomfortable in the workplace, it is often because it is associated with a fear of failure.

We have always been taught that failure is a negative experience that signals that you are not doing well enough.

Due to this thought embedded within us, we naturally do not want to face the reality of not being good enough at something, which is why we avoid situations that could lead to failure.

However, it is essential to understand that failure is not necessarily bad; it just means that you have not succeeded yet, meaning that there is still a possibility to succeed if you try again. 

Furthermore, you should always learn from your failures because trying something new could help you develop a new skill you didn't know you possessed.

Additionally, pursuing opportunities that can make you uncomfortable can result in nurturing many positive qualities within yourself.

Learn How You Can Use Dopamine to Your Advantage

There have been many studies on the human brain that indicate that whenever we are faced with any situation we are comfortable with, our brain starts producing a chemical known as dopamine, which is responsible for providing you with a feeling of pleasure and motivation.

What this means is that putting yourself in unfamiliar situations will make you feel good, and you can use this feeling to your advantage; combining it with a positive attitude and willingness to learn something new, this feeling of failure can evolve from inducing disappointment to being a motivator, providing you with an incentive to succeed.


Managers would face countless opportunities due to their line of work, which would require them to step out of their comfort zone, which is why they might opt out of such situations.

However, it is important to look at this not as a potential possibility of failure but as a potential avenue of growth, which can help you excel as a manager and help you develop a much more diverse skillset that can further contribute to your growth as a manager.

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