Slow Down To Speed It Up

Feb 25, 2024

Running a business as a manager is a stressful job. You’ll find yourself in situations where these feelings overwhelm you entirely. Once you become too influenced by these issues, you no longer have control over situations. Without control, management is nearly impossible. It’s not something out of the ordinary because these external pressures are real. 

Even if things are running well on your end inside the organization—you might still face pressure from outside. Stakeholders require accurate and timely services and products, putting a lot of stress on your company.

Understanding External Pressures in Corporate

Whether you are in the service industry or product—delivering what you promise before the deadlines matters. It’s because people count on you, and it’s your job to deliver. 

Imagine a very basic scenario. Suppose you have a party at your home and you’ve ordered pizza. As a customer, you’d want the food to arrive on time so you can cater to your guests. 

However, your guests will remain hungry if the pizza takes too long. The same rule applies to business. When a company fails to deliver the offerings it promises—its reputation is reduced. To survive and thrive in the industry, addressing these deadlines is necessary. 

Why Letting Go of Pressure Matters?

While meeting deadlines and planning for them in advance matters—that’s not always the only option for you. There’s no point in meeting client requirements in a hurry if it leads to a mental breakdown or meltdown.  

All it will do is boost your anxiety, risking the chance of poor decision-making and negative productivity. Managers must take deep breaths, step back, and reconsider scenarios. In times of high anxiety, taking a break and slowing down enhances productivity. It gives a chance to think clearly and find better solutions to them.

For instance, if you are working on a problem you can solve, leaving it for 15 minutes and taking a stroll out can help you find clarity. Studies reveal that walking increases creativity. You can use the additional creativity to find better solutions for issues you weren’t able to resolve. Changing the landscape around you can provide your mind with a fresh environment. This option is best for managers working in stressful situations.  

Relax for Better Results

It’s common for managers to feel overwhelmed under a stressful situation. However, this stress can backfire. It can impact a manager’s ability to think, rationalize and act. If you are stuck somewhere and can’t find a way out—it’s time to slow down. 

We recommend stepping back, taking a breath, and reviewing things after a while. Loading yourself with thoughts without drawing helpful conclusions from them is pointless. It’s necessary to plan out your relaxation periods. It can be a short trip, a walk, lying down, or simple acts that help you relax. 

Bottom Line

The corporate world is pretty stressful, making it necessary for middle managers to know when to re-strategize. We recommend relaxing and planning out the problem after a quick break. It’ll help you calm down, think clearly, and find better solutions.

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