They Feel Included When They Are Part Of The Team

Aug 20, 2023

People might take a job for a paycheck, but they're likely to stay in a particular company if they feel included. Feeling like an outsider means that the employees won't have a sense of engagement or belonging. As a result, it will increase the labor turnover rate. 

According to statistics, one in four employees feels they don't belong in the company they work for. Organizations with employees that have a lower sense of engagement will ultimately face various challenges. Let's talk about how managers can make employees feel included in the team. 

How Can Managers Build a Sense of Belonging in the Workplace? 

If you want employees to feel that they're a part of a team, you need to get them involved in the process. So, here are a few ways managers can make others feel inclusive.

Take Their Advice on Important Matters 

Giving employees a voice to talk about their concerns can significantly impact them. It will show that you value employees' opinions and make them feel included in the process. This is particularly important when making decisions on vital matters. 

Managers can also delegate some matters to subordinates and let them make decisions accordingly. It will build confidence in the team and can be beneficial if your team is expanding and you have a lot to deal with. 

Foster Workplace Friendships

People feel included if they make and foster friendships at work. As a manager, you should encourage people working in the same team to become friends. You can have some activities where team members can get together and share about things apart from work. 

Friends will have a vested interest in each other's success. Therefore, they'll encourage and support each other in the long run. If you bring new people on board, launch a program so new hires can blend in quickly.

Give Out Benefits and Incentives

Making people feel valued at work is a great way to show they're part of a team. And the best way of doing so is through giving incentives and benefits. It can be something as small as an extra holiday or gym membership. These initiatives can help you bring the team together. 

You can also have an employee of the month award through which you can appreciate employees doing a good job. It will also encourage others to do better, improving efficiency and productivity. 

Encourage People to Speak in Meetings 

Lastly, managers should try to get everyone to contribute something during a group meeting. This way, they can include everyone in the meeting to participate in the discussion.

Even if people don't want to be a part of the discussion, you can simply ask them to acknowledge what is being discussed. Also, it will ensure that everyone is on the same page. 

Making Sure Everyone Feels Included

Employees who feel like they're a part of the organization are likely to stay in the company. Additionally, they'll have higher productivity and efficiency. Therefore, managers should ensure that everyone feels included.

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