Trust is the Most Important Thing
Mar 23, 2023In my entire career, I have only fired one person on the spot. It was because they lied to me.
Trust is a fascinating topic as it applies to everything, all layers of your life. According to experts, trust is a continuous internal practice for most people, whether they do it consciously or consciously.
If you aim to be a mindful leader, having a team that trusts you is essential. However, trusting yourself is even more crucial. A self-assured manager can establish trust and credibility professionally and can significantly impact the collaborative efforts and openness of the people involved.
Why Trusting Yourself as a Manager is Important.
There have been times I've made a decision that impacted others more than me. It is a hard place to be. Sometimes the internal deliberation lasts for days. My thoughts go from here to there (them or me?) and back again. I haven't always made the altruistic choice, and when I don't, I feel it.
One of the biggest choices I made was in 2021; I told my boss to lay me off and reorganize my team to save their jobs. Expenses needed to be cut and it was a very real "them or me" moment. I chose to ask for a lay-off package and it worked out for the very best.
When faced with a decision that may benefit you or your team, it is crucial to consider the long-term impact and to make a decision that aligns with your values and priorities. Being open and honest with yourself and others can help build trust and foster deeper connections.
Remember that you will have difficulty connecting with your team if you're insecure or feel vulnerable. People working with you can quickly feel your hesitation and insecurity. One way to build a real connection with the people as a manager is to share what you feel is vital in a particular situation.
So, what do you need to build trust in your managerial skills and win the trust of your team? Here we have outlined a few ideas to help you.
Start with Trusting and Celebrating Yourself!
Being reliable to yourself will have a positive impact on your emotional state and deepen self-trust.
Celebrate the wins, big and small. Get up on time? Excellent! Get out the door early? Win! Complete the most important task of the day. Celebrate (and keep going)!
This can help to build self-trust by providing positive reinforcement from within. Encourage yourself in the same way you would encourage a loved one. Understanding what it truly means to love yourself can make it easier to put this practice into action.
Work Hard On Yourself
The real work in building trust is in yourself. Earning the trust of others involves putting effort into personal development and self-improvement. This includes engaging in lifelong learning, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and consistently behaving with integrity in relationships.
These actions demonstrate reliability and responsibility and ultimately contribute to building trust in yourself and with others.
Seek Help When You Need
Self-made success is an absurd concept. Whether you agree or not, people help you reach a particular position in many ways. If you want to succeed and enjoy that success, make it a unified effort.
You cannot deny the help and assistance of people who have contributed to your journey. So, make sure you seek the help of people around you if you need it.
So, if you need help from your team or they need your help in challenges such as tight deadlines or additional hours, you will only get the most from them if they trust you.
Trust in yourself and in your team can be a crucial factor in your, as well as, your company’s success.
Take a Stand While Sticking to Your Values
There are times in the professional career when taking a stand becomes necessary. This could be for an idea, your colleague, or a customer. Remember that these times define how trusted and credible a leader you are.
Therefore, you need to approach them with conviction in your values. It's important to remain faithful to these values and not compromise them. These actions can demonstrate integrity and earn the respect and trust of others.
A Writing on Trust
(Adapted from an earlier writing, originally published in 2017)
"Trust me."
Not because I say so. Because I am so. Not by my words, but by my deeds. We must trust. It is the thing. The thing. The only thing that has the power to make and break bonds, forge and heal relationships, fuel perseverance, and inspire commitment. Trust.
Trust me…
To ask is the beginning of the end of the trust game. If I am asking it is because it is lost and once lost it is so hard to restore. I dare not ask. I dare only to do. To do the worthy things. Worthy of your trust. Trustworthy.
To give is the true beginning. Where asking is the beginning of the end, giving is where trust begins.
You may choose, or not, when – and if, to trust me.
It is the snake oil man selling his elixir who commands you to trust him with his words. Tells you stories, gives false testimony, and makes false promises. “I will cure you!” He declares. Only so you will buy his wares.
Lose fat, look beautiful, feel great!
Buy this bottle, just $99.98!
And when it is empty, don’t fret –
I’ve got more, it’s easy to get!
Trust me, he says…
No, I will not trust him. I will trust me. Myself. I will trust my own instinct.
I will not ask, only show. I will not beckon nor call like the carnival man.
I will only be.
So that you, can trust in me.
Summing Up
Trusting yourself is imperative if you want to profoundly impact people who have chosen to follow you. All of the work necessary to create and maintain trusting relationships begins within.
And without trust, nothing works.
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