Vulnerability Is Necessary for Human Connection

Apr 06, 2023

Connecting with people is necessary for survival.

Humans are social animals that need to engage and connect with others. Whether it is our personal relationship or professional conduct, there is always a drive to connect with others. 

But even with that, we see a lot of loneliness and depression with disconnects in relationships. So, what is the reason for it?

The key thing that drives the connection force is vulnerability. 

Why is Vulnerability Important to Connect With Others? 

A study by Brene Brown, a researcher at the University of Houston, shows that people who have a sense of belonging in society are more likely to make connections. Brown’s study comprises two groups, one with a high sense of connection and the other deprived of this sense.  

It concluded that people with a strong sense of love and belonging could connect with others in a better way. They’ll likely come up with ideas to connect with others and would be the first to approach them. Moreover, they’ll be more grateful and open to love and affection. 

It doesn’t imply that they will be more successful and get whatever they want. Instead, they’re more vulnerable in relationships because of the low potential of shame. If they don’t receive a replay for their feelings, they won’t blame themselves and their own ‘unworthiness’ for the disconnection.

It is because they are more open to people about their feelings, making them more vulnerable to others. However, it is the same for others who are now willing to be vulnerable.

How Can You Connect With Others? 

Being vulnerable isn’t easy or comfortable for a lot of people. Therefore, it is important to know how to connect with others, so it doesn’t lead to a wrong impression. Here are the things worth considering. 

Make Sure it's Safe

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to be vulnerable if it's not safe. 

Live with Courage

Sometimes it just takes an act of courage. Remember - courage is not the absence of fear, but rather courage is doing the thing we are afraid of despite the fear. 

Don’t be too Quick

While we certainly want to be vulnerable to others, it doesn’t jump on the first instincts we have. Think about how much you want to go ahead and when you want to do so. This way, you can think about how you can embrace vulnerability in the right manner. 

What Doesn't Count as Vulnerability? 

Vulnerability doesn’t mean that you tell everyone, everything going on in your life. It’s more about intention. It is about the people with whom you’re willing to take risks and don’t mind opening up.

You tell them things with the hope that they will embrace your vulnerability. 

Summing it up.

Simply put, you need to ensure that the other person is ready to accept the things you’re offering. Make sure you don’t leave yourself overexposed or walk dangerously close to a lack of boundaries.

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